Role of the Teacher of the Visually Impaired

Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVIs or TVIs) are here to support your child in many different ways! We have received extensive training in identifying and educating students with visual impairments, and we provide specialized instruction and services that are needed to meet the educational needs of these students. Here’s a snapshot of some of our responsibilities:

  • Provide assessment of the functional vision of any student suspected of having a visual impairment or any student who meets the Tennessee criteria as visually impaired.  Our assessments are called Functional Vision and Learning Media Assessments (FVLMAS).
  • Provide accommodations and adaptions of materials to be accessible to students with visual impairments.
  • Create large print and braille materials for students as needed.
  • Coordinate and provide specialized instruction for students with visual impairments.
  • Consult with and provide training/support for classroom teachers, parents, and other staff members.

Fore more on the Role of you TVI, Check the information from Texas School for the Blind