The Mission of JROTC: To Motivate Young People To Be Better Citizens
JROTC can improve performance not only in high school but also in college or the future workplace. When a college or employer accepts a JROTC cadet, they know they're getting a good citizen with strong motivation who's willing to work hard.
JROTC cadets are leaders, as well as team players, who solve problems, exhibit solid character and demonstrate productivity.
JROTC teachers are committed to guiding youth, to assessing individual potential, and then to motivating that individual to reach his/her full potential. They follow a high personal standard and teach by example. The program is an apprenticeship where the teacher is a positive role model for young people today who are seeking direction, guidance, values and a purpose for their lives. Cadets develop inner strengths like integrity, dependability and self-discipline. They leave the program with confidence; respect for others and themselves; and with an assuredness about who they are, patterned after the strength and decency of their teachers.
State-approved substitute core graduation credits in Lifetime Wellness, PE, Personal Finance, and US Government can be awarded through the JROTC curriculum.
JROTC Teaches Students the Following Life Skills:
- Citizenship
- American History
- How Government Works
- Our Constitution
- Wellness
- First Aid
- Preventing Drug Abuse
- Effective Oral/Written Communications
- Technology Awareness
- Career Opportunities
- How To Read A Map
- Current Events
- Personal Finance
Intracurricular Activities Include:
- Academic Team
- Color Guard
- Drill Team
- Raider Team
- Rifle Team
- Military Ball
- Adventure Training
- Land Navigation
- JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) with rappelling, team sports, confidence/obstacle courses, and water safety training
School-Based JROTC Links:
Contact Information:
LTC. Bill Brooks, US Army, Ret.
Director of Army Instruction (DAI)
Office: (423) 498-7191
Email: [email protected]
1SG. James Maida, US Army, Ret.
Training & Operations NCO
Office: (423) 498-7192
Email: [email protected]
MSG. Johnny Manis, US Army, Ret.
Military Property Specialist
Office: (423) 498-7193
Email: [email protected]