Edward Potter, a dedicated math teacher at Central High School, has made it his mission to transform how students perceive their mathematics abilities. Math has long been frustrating and a subject of self-doubt for many students entering his classroom. They believe they are inherently “bad at math” and success in math is beyond their reach. However, Potter sees this as his opportunity to change that narrative. His goal is not just to teach math but to help students have a successful year where they realize that they can master any obstacle they may face in life. For Potter, the reward lies in witnessing students gain confidence and recognize their potential.
Potter fosters community in his classroom by treating his students as teammates. He emphasizes a successful team is one where everyone works together in a supportive and inclusive environment. “I call them teammates and discuss what we will do as a team. For a team to succeed, the environment must be inviting and safe. I would rather have your best wrong answer than you not being a part of what we're doing.”
This approach keeps students engaged and builds confidence, reinforcing that effort is essential to success.
Potter believes as a teacher, he must lead by example. He understands his energy and attitude set the tone for the classroom. “If I come in and I'm down or low energy, I'm passing that on to the students.” Potter holds himself to a high standard because he knows he cannot expect his students to give their best if he does not do the same. Potter hopes his students leave his class with improved math skills and the belief they can do complex things. He wants each student to know someone genuinely cares about their success. “They say people won't remember what you told them, but they'll remember how you made them feel. And I hope I made my students feel good about themselves.”
Potter’s love for Central High School goes beyond the walls of his classroom. He fondly refers to the school as “Noah’s Ark” because of its diversity. “Central is home to students from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, social classes, religious beliefs, and political opinions. I just love the diversity in our children.”
He believes this reflects the broader world and enriches the learning environment for each student. He values the opportunity to work with such a diverse student body and believes it contributes to the growth and understanding of all students.