Education Week releases Dr. Johnson’s Leader to Learn From video in the organization’s newsletter
Posted on 02/26/2020
Photo: Dr. Johnson talking to students at Hixson High in Nursing EducationLast Wednesday, Education Week, an independent news organization covering K-12 Education, included Superintendent Bryan Johnson in its Leaders to Learn From for 2020. This week, the organization released a video of Dr. Johnson as they featured him as a Leader to Learn From in the organization’s newsletter. The video follows Dr. Johnson and talks with staff and students to find out what makes him a leader whose vision they are inspired to follow.

Education Week honored Dr. Johnson for leadership in career and technical education, his vision to bring Future Ready Institutes to Hamilton County Schools, and their impact on preparing graduates to be ready for future success.

Each year, Education Week identifies some of the nation’s most exceptional school district leaders and shines a spotlight on their extraordinary contribution to the success of educators and children in its Leaders To Learn From special report. Education Week looks for leading-edge district leaders who seize on smart ideas, skillfully execute them, and are seeing promising results for their students and school communities. The honor includes a feature story about each leader and a video of the leader at work in the schools and community they serve.

“Dr. Johnson, I believe, has made a tremendous impact in our schools here in Hamilton County,” Blake Freeman, executive director, early postsecondary success for Hamilton County Schools, shared in the video. “He came in with a very bold vision that we were going to be the fastest improving school district in Tennessee.”

Future Ready Institutes began in the fall of 2017 in Hamilton County Schools and challenged the traditional approach to education in high schools by developing career-themed small learning communities in the district’s high schools. Teachers of all content areas, including English, math, science, and social studies, work closely with the career theme teacher to provide classroom instruction through the lens of a career. The goal is for students to clearly understand why a classroom lesson is important and how young learners will use the information in the future. Themes in the institutes include medicine, robotics, forensic science, engineering, hospitality, technology, and more. There are 29 Future Institute programs now available for high school students in Hamilton County Schools.

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