Diversity and Inclusion 


Mission and Vision

Hamilton County Schools' Talent Team will be a trusted partner delivering outstanding customer service and organization development solutions that contribute to the success of Hamilton County Schools through the cultivation, attraction, retention, and development of a talented and diverse workforce so that all students can thrive. 

The Talent Team is committed to increasing the number of teachers of color to ensure that all students have access to effective teachers of color. 

As a demonstration of the Hamilton County School Board’s commitment to educator diversity, they recently crafted as well as adopted their own Educator Diversity policy and Educational Equity policy, which not only communicate a belief that all students deserve access to diverse, effective teachers and high-quality instruction but also highlights a commitment by Hamilton County Schools to prioritize minority educator recruitment and retention.

Educator Diversity Policy.pdf
Educational Equity Policy.pdf

Hamilton County Schools will launch its inaugural cohort of 
Female Teachers of Color (FemToc) in Fall 2024!


For more information about Hamilton County Schools'  teacher diversity work, contact Jerica Johnson at [email protected]