High school is the last stop on the K-12 learning journey for a
young learner with 22 high school programs in excellent traditional schools and theme focused magnets in Hamilton County Schools.
The high schools feature
Future Ready Institutes which are schools within a school incorporating a small school atmosphere with a career theme focus for students who have a vision for their future. Academic teachers will work with career instructors to connect what is learned in the classroom with skills needed for success after graduation. Future Ready Institutes challenge the traditional approach to education in high schools with the goal for students to clearly understand why a lesson is important and how the knowledge can be used in the future in a college classroom or a career.
Hamilton County high schools offer advanced academics with International Baccalaureate and Collegiate High at Chattanooga State along with advanced academics.
Major employers in the Tennessee Valley have also joined with the district to provide an opportunity for teens to get a jump on the competition in the job market by participating in Mechatronics Akademie at Volkswagen and the Erlanger Institute for Healthcare and Innovation, a new Future Ready Institute at
The Howard School.
Be future-ready attending high school in Hamilton County Schools!