New Teacher Onboarding

We have three main goals for you as a new teacher in our district, so every piece of our induction program is designed with these goals in mind. As a new teacher, we want you to be

  • Connected.
    Our onboarding opportunities are designed so you can connect with other teachers and with those to help guide you when you have questions.
  • Knowledgeable.
    We want to empower you so that you are knowledgeable about what you will be teaching and how you will be evaluated.
  • Valued.
    Tennessee does not have a requirement for new teacher onboarding, but we are investing in this area.

We hope that you will feel supported on your journey as a new teacher in our district!

Talent Development in Contacts

Dr. Chrissy Easterly, Director of Talent Development

Sherry Born, Administrative Assistant 423-498-6805

Mollie Johnson, Leadership Development Facilitator

Erin Kirby, Induction Coordinator

Dr. Cheryl McCray, Induction Specialist

Dr. Lorraine Hernandez, New Teacher Coach - District

Emily McCulley, New Teacher Coach - District - GYO

Dana Turney, New Teacher Coach – Project Inspire

New Teacher Academy

5 days of professional development for new-to-district teachers

Image of classroom set up lab

Classroom Set Up Labs

Learn about creating a warm, inviting environment for your students.

Thinking about setting up your classroom, but not sure where to start? Attend a classroom set up lab!

You will receive hands-on content specific labs in a veteran teacher's classroom exploring the following:

  • Organization of Teacher (plans, emails, data)
  • Organization of Student Materials
  • Room Arrangement (whole and small group stations)
  • Wall Space (anchor charts, routines/procedures)

Teaching & Learning

Curriculum Resources for New Teachers




Mentoring Programs

image of mentoring program

Lead Mentor

Receive support from your school-based Lead Mentor/Induction Liaison

The lead mentor provides school-based orientation for all new-to-building teachers and facilitates their school-based New Teacher Network.


Provides individualized support to first year teachers including observation/feedback cycles.

3 Year Induction

Support for your first year of teaching and beyond


Year One

  • 5-Day New Teacher Academy
  • Summer Classroom Set-up Labs
  • Monthly New Teacher Network
    • Classroom Management
    • Whole Teacher=Well Teacher
  • Site-Based Lead Mentor Support
    • Monthly PLCs
  • First Year Teacher Mentor
  • New Teacher Coaching as Requested
  • Monthly New Teacher Letter Connection Newsletter

Year Two

  • 3-day New Teacher Academy 2.0
  • Monthly New Teacher Network
    • Classroom Management
    • Whole Teacher=Well Teacher
  • Site-Based Lead Mentor Support
    • Monthly PLCs
  • New Teacher Coaching as Requested
  • Monthly New Teacher Connection Newsletter

Year Three

  • Monthly New Teacher Network
    • Classroom Management
    • Whole Teacher=Well Teacher
  • Site-Based Lead Mentor Support
    • Monthly PLCs
  • New Teacher Coaching as Requested
  • Monthly New Teacher Connection Newsletter
  • Leadership Pathways
    • Mentoring First Year Teachers
    • Hosting Student Teachers
    • Presenting to Your Peers