Hamilton County Board of Education members Karitsa Jones and Jenny Hill have earned Boardsmanship Awards from the Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA). Local board members who invest their time and effort into becoming more informed and effective board members earn the award. The Boardsmanship Awards are given for participation in activities outside of local school board obligations. There are five levels of recognition by TSBA, which honors a board member’s commitment to training, willingness to participate in workshops, and a volunteer spirit.
Jenny Hill was presented the Level I Boardsmanship Award at the recent TSBA Southeast Fall District meeting held this year as a webinar. She was recognized for her board activities in the past year. Level I recipients must total 50 or more training or participation credits. They earn the credits for attending School Board Academy Modules provided by TSBA, attending TSBA and NSBA events, and participating in experiences that include attending local commission and council meetings, presenting at conventions, writing articles for education journals, or a variety of other services to support education. Hill represents District 6 on the Hamilton County Board of Education. The district includes the schools Brown Academy, Chattanooga High Center for Creative Arts, the Dawn Program, Lookout Mountain Elementary, Lookout Valley Elementary, Lookout Valley Middle/High, and Normal Park Museum Magnet School. Hill was elected to the board in 2018.
Karitsa Jones was presented with the Level II Boardsmanship Award for her activities in 2018-2019. Level II recipients must total 100 or more credits for professional growth activities of school board members. She represents District 5 on the Hamilton County Board of Education. The district includes the schools Brainerd High; Dalewood Middle; Hillcrest Elementary; Lakeside Academy of Math, Science and Technology; Tyner Academy; Tyner Middle Academy; Washington Alternative Learning Center; and Woodmore Elementary. Jones was elected to the board in 2014.
Levels I-IV are given at the fall district meetings. The Level V Boardsmanship awards are presented at the association’s annual convention in November.
“Election to the Hamilton County Board of Education is an honor as we are entrusted with the opportunity to serve the children of our community,” said Joe Wingate, chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Education. “Board meetings, responsibilities, and visits to schools can take up a lot of a board member’s time, so it is very commendable that Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Jones have committed additional energy and effort to go above and beyond to participate in TSBA opportunities outside of their local responsibilities.”