Central High online student publication named a “National Website of Distinction”
Central High School’s student-run online publication, The Central Digest, was recognized as a “National Website of Distinction” for the third year in a row. The publication has garnered national accolades from the School Newspapers Online (SNO) organization, a site that provides formats for school publications.
Among the accolades given, The Central Digest was awarded for continuous coverage, site excellence, story page excellence, excellence in writing, multimedia excellence, and audience engagement. These six accolades culminate in the national honor.
“The staff has tremendous editors who have provided leadership and guidance so that earning this recognition was little more than a formality,” said Greg Cantrell, faculty adviser to The Digest. “We actually had several of the necessary requirements met very early into the school year.”
First founded in 1910, The Central Digest was reborn as an online publication in 2012, and currently boasts over 22 members across all grade levels. The website was the first recognized in Tennessee and remains the only nationally-recognized site in the state. The Digest’s broad coverage features sports writing, features, alumni spotlights, and school information.
The Digest was also awarded as a superior publication by the Southern Interscholastic Press Association, based at the University of South Carolina, earlier this year. You can view the award-winning publication at