Tennessee Instructional Leader License

This page is designed to be a resource for educators currently holding an Instructional Leader
License (formally known as an Administrator license).  On t
his page you will find information
and instructions regarding advancing or renewing a current license.

***The introduction of the Literacy Success Act, now requires educators holding an Instructional Leader License to complete a literacy pathway before license renewal.  Instructional Leaders have the option of completing one of the three pathways below.  Both trainings and the assessment are online and free:

Renewal Information

  • Currently in an Administrator Role
    You must meet the following criteria:
  1. Currently serve in administrator position (i.e., assistant principal, principal, or instructional supervisor) in an approved Tennessee public school system.
  2. Have been evaluated as an administrator for the previous two years under the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS)
  3. Have the minimum of 14 TASL credits completed and approved for each school year cycle.
  • Not Currently in an Administrator Role
    Educators not employed in an administrator position (e.g., teachers, non-instructional school district central office personnel, etc.) whose ILL, ILL-P, or Professional Administrator License (PAL) credential is eligible for renewal must possess another active Tennessee educator license at the time of application submission in order to renew.

If you’re ready to renew, follow the instructions linked below:  
Renewing an Administrator License

Advancement Information

If you hold an ILL license and want to advance to an ILL-P, Educators currently holding the ILL may seek advancement to the Instructional Leader License - Professional (ILL-P) through one of the following advancement pathways:

  • Tennessee Academy for School Leaders (TASL) Pathway
    This is the most common. If you’re seeking to advance through the TASL pathway, you must meet the requirements:
  1. Have the minimum of 14 TASL credits completed and approved for each school year cycle.
  2. Successfully complete the Beginning Principals’ Academy or the Beginning Supervisors’ Academy.
  3. Be recommended by the educator’s director of schools verifying the educator has a minimum of two (2) years of successful experience as a principal, assistant principal, or an instructional supervisor as demonstrated by an overall evaluation rating of at expectations or higher on a state-approved administrator evaluation model during the most recent validity period of the ILL.

*This occurs during the transaction and must be completed before the transaction is submitted.

  • Individual Professional Learning Plan (IPLP) Pathway
    Only for educators who do not qualify for the TASL Pathway. Educators seeking advancement through the IPLP pathway shall meet the following requirements:
  1. Have the minimum of 14 TASL credits completed and approved for each school year cycle.
  2. Successfully complete a two year Individual Professional Learning Plan in coordination with an approved instructional leader preparation program.
  3. Be recommended by the educator’s director of schools verifying the educator has a minimum of two (2) years of successful experience as a principal, assistant principal, or an instructional supervisor as demonstrated by an overall evaluation rating of at expectations or higher on a state-approved administrator evaluation model during the most recent validity period of the ILL.

If you’re ready to advance, follow the instructions linked below:  
Advancing Your ILL Administrator License