Tennessee School Service Personnel License

This page is designed to be a resource for school service personnel (School Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Speech Language Pathologists, Audiologists, or Educational Interpreters).  On this page you will find  information for current Tennessee school service personnel license holders
regarding advancing or renewing their current license.

Renewal Information

  • Practitioner 1st Issuance
    If you have passed the needed assessments and completed a teacher prep program, but lack the experience (minimum of 25 months experience), then you can apply to renew one time. If approved, you will be issued the Practitioner 2nd Issuance license which is good for another 3 years. A Practitioner 2nd Issuance cannot be renewed; only advanced or reactivated (once expired).

If you’re ready to renew a Practitioner License, follow the instructions linked below:  
Renew a Practitioner 1st Issuance License

  • Professional Teaching License
    The only requirement to renew is 60 Professional Development Points (PDPs).

If you’re ready to renew  your Professional Teaching License, follow the instructions linked below:  
Renewing Your Professional Teaching License

Advancement Information

If you hold a Practitioner license and want to advance, there are three things you need to be able to answer yes to:

  • Do you have at least 25 months of experience (can be in Tennessee or another state)?
  • Have you passed all required assessments and are the scores showing in the Preparation tab of your TNCompass Educator Profile?
  • Do you have 30 Professional Development Points (PDPs)?

If you’re ready to advance, follow the instructions linked below:  
Advance to Professional

* Information about adding PDPs and required assessments can be found on the FAQs page.