Empower community in decision-making

We serve the Hamilton County community, and, therefore, our work should reflect the priorities of community members and taxpayers. We will proactively seek to understand community feedback and use that feedback to inform decision-making in the district. Whether it be fiscal policy or other essential areas of our operations, we want the community to point us in a direction that will garner widespread support and engagement.

Action Steps:

  • Within the five pre-K-12 learning communities, establish intentional methods of listening that facilitate teacher, student, and parent groups to provide feedback and input to district leadership.
  • Prioritize transparency in decision-making through improved communication, particularly related to budget development and policy changes, to encourage participation from teachers, students, parents, and the community.
  • Develop a systematic process for listening to stakeholders vested in our schools that is purposeful in frequency and content, such that the information gathered can be used to direct system planning.