Hamilton County Schools encourages families to be SAFE this Labor Day weekend
Posted on 09/03/2020
Photo: Hamilton County Schools Logo

Keeping schools open is vital for the growth of children and the community.  Hamilton County Schools encourages families to be SAFE this Labor Day weekend as you plan activities, so there is not an increase in COVID-19 transmission over the holiday.  SAFE activities will help schools stay open when children return to the classroom after the short break.  SAFE is the acronym the school district has used to remind families to Stay home when you are sick, Avoid getting too close to others, Face coverings are a must, and Everyone wash your hands regularly.  During the long holiday weekend, the “S” could also stand for Stay away from group gatherings that could transmit COVID-19 to more people in the community.


Recent Hamilton County Health Department data indicates an increase in new COVID-19 cases among those in the community in the age group of 11-20 years-old. Case investigations often reveal transmissions are linked to social gatherings such as neighborhood gatherings, parties, special events, carpooling, and close contact with friends.


Parents can help keep their children healthy, and schools open by following the SAFE guidelines and talking with their children about ways to minimize transmission risk this weekend.


·         Staying away from gatherings

·         Always maintaining six feet distance from people who don’t live in the same household

·         Face coverings are a must, so always wear a mask when around others, including in a shared vehicle or bus

·         Everyone wash hands frequently and don’t share water bottles or other food or drink items

The Labor Day holiday traditionally sees large gatherings for picnics, extended family activities, and the sharing of fun and food. These types of gatherings are great during normal times, but during a pandemic, they significantly increase everyone’s risk for spreading the virus. Hamilton County Schools joins the Health Department in encouraging you to play it SAFE this weekend.  The community hopes to avoid spikes in new cases, as were seen following the Memorial Day and July 4th weekends.


Free Health Department COVID-19 testing is available at the following times and location:

  • Seven Days a Week, 7 a.m.-11:30 a.m., at the Health Department Testing Site at Alstom Plant, 1125 Riverfront Pkwy, Chattanooga, TN 37402. (The site will be closed on Labor Day.)


COVID-19 resources

· COVID-19 on the Hamilton County Schools website

·COVID-19 Data Dashboard Hamilton County Schools

You can help spread the SAFE message by sharing social media posts.

· Stay SAFE this Labor Day weekend and help keep schools open by avoiding large gatherings.

· Help keep schools open by playing it SAFE this Labor Day weekend.  Wear a mask around people not living in your household.

· Play it SAFE this Labor Day weekend!  Don’t share close space, food, or drink.  Stop the spread and keep our schools open.

· Play it SAFE this Labor Day and keep our schools open by washing your hands regularly.