Fall Teacher Recruitment Fair seeks top teaching talent for Hamilton County Schools
Hamilton County Schools kicks off the hiring season with the fall Teacher Recruitment Fair on Tuesday, November 13 at East Ridge Elementary School. Principals at the event will look for potential new teachers for their interim positions in the schools for the second half of this school year, and teaching positions to begin next school year in the fall of 2019.
High-quality teachers are the most important factor in student success. That is why having great teachers and leaders in our schools is a key action area in the district’s five-year action plan
Future Ready 2023. Hamilton County Schools is seeking teachers whose impact will make a difference in the lives of children to prepare students for success in life.
“Our fall recruitment fair is just one approach Hamilton County Schools is using to attract talented teachers to our schools,” said Keith Fogleman, chief talent officer for Hamilton County Schools. “This recruitment fair is a great opportunity for new and also experienced teachers to connect with our principals and learn how the school system supports teachers in Hamilton County Schools.”
Not only does Hamilton County Schools seek to attract new talent but the district focuses on supporting talented teachers already in our classrooms. The district launched the new Teacher Academy this year to get beginning teachers off to a great start. Hamilton County Schools developed a year-long support system for new teachers through the new Teacher Network to continue to support new professionals. Also, mentor teachers work with new teachers to get them through the first year.
“Not only are we committed to recruiting and selecting top talent, but we also are focused on retaining talented teachers with competitive total rewards, first class professional development, and opportunities to grow in their career,” added Fogleman.
Candidates interested in attending the event are encouraged to pre-register for the event at
https://tinyurl.com/HCSFallSearch. The fall recruiting event is from 5-7 pm at East Ridge Elementary School, located at 1014 John Ross Rd, Chattanooga. Hamilton County employs over 3,500 certified teachers and anticipates hiring about 300 teachers for the 2019-2020 school year.
Photo: Administrators Kristy Dillard and Phil Iannarone talk with teacher candidates at the recruitment fair held last fall.